How We Work

At BFS, Soni works exclusively as a 1-on-1 Personal Trainer within her private training studio.

This means no pricey gym-memberships, no waiting to use equipment, and no needing to share the gym with the general public.

All of our Plans include a full body composition analysis (12-site skinfold test) and a personalised nutrition plan created with state-of-the-art software.

Your program is individualised based on:

1-Your goals and time frame for achieving them

2-Your current and ideal functional mobility

3-Any current muscular imbalances

The above will be discussed with you in your first face-to-face consultation.

All Plans are 12 weeks in duration as that’s the minimum to see results. You will have the choice of training 2,3,4 or 5 sessions per week depending on your goals, your budget and the time frame of your desired results.

How the Service Works:

During your first appointment we will undertake your body composition analysis, 12 site skinfold test, girth measurements and current bodyweight (this will be repeated after 4 weeks).

Your nutrition will be customised  based on your food preferences, lifestyle, calorie needs and water intake.

The program will be fully customised for you, and we will take into account your current level of training experience.

Benefits of training with BFS

We want to build your confidence and let you be the woman you want to be.


If your goal is fat loss, strength or taking your body and self esteem to the next level, you’ve come to the right place…


You will learn how to train with the correct form and technique to build strength. You will get stronger both inside and out, while employing expert training and optimal nutrition.


It’s time to take control of your body and mind, and become the best version of you.

Choose your PLAN

Start The Process


4 Training session per week

  • Your personalised nutrition account delivered with the best software
  • Body Composition analysis Monthly
  • Personalised training program
  • Full guidance through the process to manage your body and your results afterwards
  • 12 weeks commitment


3 Training Session per week

  • Your personalised nutrition account delivered with the best software
  • Body Composition analysis Monthly
  • Personalised training program
  • Full guidance through the process to manage your body and your results afterwards
  • You are the only person who can take action and change habits.
  • Book your free consultation
  • 12 weeks commitment


2 Training Session per Week

  • Your personalised nutrition account delivered with the best software
  • Body Composition analysis Monthly
  • Personalised training program
  • Full guidance through the process to manage your body and your results afterwards
  • You are the only person who can take action and change habits.
  • Book your free consultation
  • 12 weeks commitment